Orion Concepts

Laryngoscope Blades

The most used laryngoscope blade, the Stellar Series Macintosh blades are available in multiple sizes. These curved laryngoscope blades feature a matte finish for reduced glare. Their large fibre-optic bundle (4.2mm) provides abundant light for improved visibility.

The Stellar Series Miller Profile laryngoscope blades deliver an efficient and easy to use straight blade option. Originally developed by Dr. Robert Miller for pediatric use, their matte finish makes for easy clean up and use and are available in a range of sizes.

McCoy Flex Tip blades have a curved profile similar to the Macintosh but are equipped with a flexible, hinged distal tip for levering. Extremely useful for better visualization of the vocal cords during difficult intubations, the Stellar Series, McCoy Flex Tip blades deliver real efficiency.